Please keep your comments rated PG-13 or less. There are several different people reading this.

If you don't edit your comments, then the blog will disappear. Phil that means you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Where's a tree? I'm bothered.

   One thing that has always bugged the tar out of me is when a friend starts dating someone, and then never wants to do something without the new boyfriend/girlfriend. I have a friend, Mr. T, the same friend from a few postings ago. When he started dating his first girlfriend, we will call her Rachel; he never did anything without her. Granted we were in high school, but I remember one day Mr. T picked me up for school, and we went from my house, to Rachel house. Not a problem, I was indifferent to Rachel at this point in time. So, we get to Rachel house, and she comes to the car, and then her and Mr. T start making out in the front seats of the car, while I am sitting in the back. Now, to Mr. T's credit, he did ask me to close my eyes. The problem was that one of their elbows was resting on my knee. It was creepy. 
   During the summer, Phil would often be busy with Rachel, and was never able to hang out unless she was there too. So, to help pass the time, I would often call Mr. T just to interrupt whatever they were doing. That was mean; do not do that to people.
   With the next few girlfriends that Mr. T had, the same thing, the girlfriend was always there. Some of the girls were super awesome, like "Levi jeans", the future wife. Some girls sucked like the one before the future Mrs. T. I do not remember her name, but I did not like this one. 
   There have been other friends that have also done this. My good friend "Jean Luc", dating a girl for I think about 2 years, and was super happy with her, and at the drop of a hat, would go to her aid. They did everything together, in fact he stopped do things with Mr. T and I altogether unless we went and woke him up.
   I understand that when you care for someone you want to spend time with him or her. I get that, which does not bother me. What bothers me is when; your friends cancel plans because the person they like cannot go. It pisses people off when your friends do that. DO NOT BE A JERK TO YOUR FRIENDS BECAUSE SOMEONE YOU LIKE CANT BE THERE. SHOW UP AND BE A LITTLE BUMMED BUT SHOW UP.

In case you are concerned that the people in this posting are you, unless you went to Centennial High school and graduated June 12, 2001, it is not about you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


The New Year’s Kiss

This is a tradition, which I do not understand very well. Maybe it is because I have never done this tradition, or maybe because I don’t want to spread germs. HOWEVER, I would think that any tradition where you are going around kissing people in a large group, would lead to the spreading of the mononucleosis (the kissing disease). Now, MONO, as I will call it for short, because I don’t want to write out the long word ever time, takes you out of the game for like a month. I have never had mono, but I know people who have, and I hear it sucks. Not like a hicky, but like a nasty flu that last for a month. So why are earth are people going around helping these germs populate the earth. I mean this is no polio, but still. I thought germs were bad? Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say is where are these parties where people go kissing people willy nilly. There is a gal out there that I would like to ask out on a date, however, I don’t think that the last gentleman of the 21 century would use a stupid germ spreading tradition to kiss a girl. OR would he?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Part 7.34

Online Dating

    I have never paid for on-line dating. I did some free weekend trail thing on eHarmony once, to see what it was like. But other than that, nothing. I have a friend that is using a certain site, that we will call, Swell Arrow Shooting Baby. Now this site, you log on and then look at pictures to find your match. Now, I am not sure about you, but I don't think that looking at a picture is a good way to judge if you will like someone. I mean, I have pictures on my Facebook page from about 2 years ago; I was not as fat two years ago. I look totally different now. 

Picture Dating = absolute stupidness.

There is another friend of mine that is using a different service we will call, they use the information you use to find a match for you. I think, I have never used this site. Anyways, using info that people write about themselves to make a mathematical equation to find matches; I think that may be stupid too. 

 If you are that in need of a date/boyfriend/girlfriend, maybe that should be a clue, that you DON'T need to be dating anyone. Keep that in mind.

In conclusion, I think that on-line match making services are a waste of time and money.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Heroes in a Half Shell

Heroes in a Half Shell
     It all started in New York with a small boy that owned four pet turtles. While walking the young boy trips and the turtles fall into the sewers. This is the beginning of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. From the stories of 1986 to the modern day of today, the Turtles have fought for those unable to fight for themselves. First, how did the Turtles become ninja warriors? Second, who are they always fighting and where did they come from, and lastly what is the difference between the Turtles of old and the Turtles of today.
     The story begins in Japan, at the Foot Clan Doji, where Hamato Yoshi, was set up by his student Oroku Saki. Oroku Saki plants a knife in the Kai of Hamato Yoshi, and makes it appear that Yoshi is plotting to kill the master sensei. After this, Yoshi is ashamed and banished from the Foot Clan. In disgrace, Hamato flees to New York. When crawling around in the sewers the Turtles come into contact with “OOZE”. This ooze would turn anything it contacted into the animal they had the most recent contact with. Thus turning Hamato Yoshi into a rat, and the Turtles into human sized turtles. The Turtles named Hamato Yoshi, Splinter, because of his ability to turn wood into splinters of wood. Splinter then named the Turtles after his four favorite renaissance artists. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo became the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Splinter trained them in the art of Ninjitsu. This came in very handy when fighting the Foot Clan.
     You may be asking yourself, who are the Turtles always fighting with? Still in Japan and without Hamato Yoshi in charge, Oroku Saki takes control of the Foot Clan. After the take over, the Foot Clan becomes an evil clan of ninjas. However, when Oroku Saki comes to New York, the Foot Clan are robots. Oroku Saki becomes the Shredder, which is not really explained in the cartoon. With the help of Kang, a bodiless head from Dimension X, and the ooze he steels, Shredder is able to create Bebop and Rocksteady. These two were the Shedders main henchmen. Two gang members turned into a Warthog and a Rhino that were stolen from the New York Zoo. With limitless resources from Krang, Shedder is also able use the Technodrome as a base. Krang was a general in the wars of Dimension X before being brought to New York by Shedder. Throughout the series several different mutant are brought from other dimensions and a few made by Shedder. Not all of those brought to Earth were bad dudes.
The main cartoon ran from December 1987 until November 1996(WordNet). With the series at an end; “The Next Mutation” started. It was a live action show that introduced a female turtle. The show lasted one year. It was very bad. After this flop, the series came back in 2003. It again introduced the Turtle, and Splinter and also The Shedder. However, the story line is very different then the story created in 1986.
     In comparing the old series with the new series, I conducted interviews with 3 2nd graders at Sunnyside Elementary School. I asked them questions related to characters of the old show and the new show. I also asked them to mention the plot of the new series. In those that watched to show did not know who Bepop, Rocksteady, Krang, or The RatKing was. They are either not the major villains they were in the ’86 series, or not in the story line at all. Furthermore, April and Casey Jones are now dating in the show, which was not even hinted at in the ’87 series. April was a female reporter who was saved from the gang that Shredder ran, by the turtles in the very first episode in 1986.
     In the 2003 series, a new human named Cody now fights along with the Turtles. Also, Shedders daughter was introduced, and now leads the foot clan after The Shedder’s death. The TMNT movie that came out last summer is based on the story line of the ’03 series. While the live action movies of the 90’s were based on none of the series. With a new story line for how Hamato Yoshi became Splinter.
     The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ have lived in the glory age of cartoons, and in the modern age of digital computer graphic cartoons. They have seen both live action and animated movies. From the beginnings in Japan to the sewers of New York, from Dimension X to Florida, the Turtles’ fight Shredder where ever he goes. If the Shredder is gone, the Turtles are fighting someone else who prays on the weak. Hiding in the shadows with the invisible art of Ninjitsu, one can never be sure if the Turtles are watching over the city and lurking on those evil villains.
Cowabunga Dudes.


WorldNet “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” WorldNet ® 1.7.1, © 2006 Princeton University 20 Nov. 2007<>

Mirage Studios. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. DVD. FHI and Artisan, 2004

Friday, December 4, 2009

T'was the night before the 6th posting...

I was having some happy hour funness this evening, and the conversation was about dating. I was very interested in what was said. This is an example of what was said. To help with the privacy of the people there, I will not use their real names, except for me. The people engaged in this conversation were Ray (me), Star Fox, and Princess Daisy. Sorry about the Nintendo references, but I really liked that system, and am enjoying the new 4 player super Mario game for the Wii.

SF: I am super confused about the status of the relationship I am in.
ME: You should have the talk
PD: Yeah you should.
SF: No, I don't want to
ME: Well, I will ask him on the next time I see him.
PD: You should totally do that.

End of the important part.

I have seen that this is a very typical stage in the dating relationship. When one or both parties was one idea of what they would like but is unsure of what the other person is thinking. I have a solution to this. ASK. If you don't ask, or bring it up you will never know what the other person is thinking. Unless you can read minds, but I do not think that, you can. SO ASK THE QUESTION. You may not like the answer, but you will not have to worry about what is going on in the other persons head. Asking questions will always lead to a gain in knowledge, and gain knowledge will generally lead to wisdom.

In addition, with it being the Christmas season, I would like to leave you some departing thoughts for the weekend. Holding hands leads directly to babies. More details to follow.

The first one is the hardest.

A friend of mine, asked me to start blogging about my thoughts into the world of dating. So I decided to do it. Now, for a few of you out there who might read this, I once wrote an 11 part essay title "The Journey", it was good, but this will be better. Way better. So each week I will post a new blog about my opinion of dating, and my thoughts on dating couples that I know.

Right out of the gate, I would like to say this, if you go to a concert of a band you know nothing about, someone picks you up and drives you home, it is a date. It is generally a good idea to say hell-o when they walk into the house, not as you are leaving the house to go to the car. Just a thought, say hell-o or some other version of that words first thing.

Monday, November 30, 2009

On the 5th post of The Journey....

   Recently, I have had thoughts about returning to the game of dating. The problem is that I have no clue what to do. I mean I have my do and don't list and I know some things my friends did, but still. That will only get you so far. So with this portion of The Journey, I pose to you this question: How do you get up the nerve to ask a girl out? If you are a lady reader, just change the girl to a guy.
   I once heard a story about a guy, whom while on a vacation in one of those countries in Europe that has a large tower and an Arch, he and his girlfriend, decided to have sex. Now, what is funny about this, is they were in high school, well maybe just graduated, I don't remember. Anyways, I heard that he had to go talk to his mother for about 15 minutes about who knows what. The point is, I think that that was a mistake. For several reasons, mostly, you should never leave the lady after sex, that is mean or something. That same friend, let’s call him Mr. T, he likes to get right to sex in a relationship. Another friend his name is Petru Putsa, he dating a girl for about a month, then started sleeping with her, now they are broken up now.
   What I don't understand is that, what is the point of going so fast. Neither of my two friends are married to the girl they slept with. To me the best wisdom is this. "The less you do now, the more you get to share with your spouse." Remember that quote, it's a good one. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Componet 4

I was reading the blog at, and read his latest blog and made me realize that people are generally stupid when it comes to turning dating into a game. He talked about how the game of running the bases in baseball was used for different things that people do with people of the opposite sex. IE first base holding hands, second base kissing, 3rd making out, and all the way is well the sex. This makes no since to me. As anyone that follows baseball, unless you are the dirty cheating team form New York, you have to have a deep bullpen, and a good defence to win the World Series. SO WHY ON EARTH DO PEOPLE COMPARE THE OFFENSE OF BASEBALL TO dating? OK ok, so you have to score runs to win a baseball game, that is why it is a sport. BUT like my friend said, in baseball you sprint from base to base to be SAFE, why on earth, would you want to sprint in a relationship?

   My dear readers, I have a saying. "Holding hands leads to hugging. Hugging leads to kissing, Kissing leads to making out, and making out leads to sex. Sex leads to babies. Now there are several people that I have seen have babies, that maybe should have not had them. There are people like the octo-mom who have 14 kids living on welfare from a bankrupt state. So here is the deal, IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DONT MAKE BABIES. the end.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Part Trois (three frenchie style)

   I was thinking today, about the times I have mentioned to a female that I am pondering about whether or not to ask a girl out. They always seem to think that if they flirt a little bit with me in front a the girl, that the girl will get a little jealous and be more willing to go out on a date. I honestly, have no clue how that makes any since. Maybe because I am a boy, but to me, if I saw a girl flirting with a boy, I would think that the girls lied the boy and vice versa, since the guy was entertaining the flirting girl.
   Which goes to my point, flirting is fun. However, there are things you should and shoudl not do when attempting to flirt. Here are the lists:
Throw things at them, namely ice, EVER
Make fun of them
Be stupid
Pretend to be someone else
Talk in an accent that you aren't native to
Ask them to Read a book or short story
Interrupt them continuously
Call them a name of a different girl
Slap them across the face
Have a buddy be a stupid alert, just in case you are doing something stupid.
Be respectful, people like that
Finish your sentences
Buy them a drink (if appropeate)
Use their name when talking to them.

If you follow those Do and Don'ts good you may be able to get a date with the person you may be thinking about asking out. Again, if you re-read part one to find out if what you are doing is a date or not.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Second thoughts

Just so that you all know, I don't plan on every using any real names in my blogeroos. So, I also need to go over some key words that have codes. No, I am just going to let you all guess what they mean. A little background on where I come from. I retired from dating in March of 2003, and since then have had a very long time to see what dating is not supposed to look like. Mostly from my last girlfriend, whom recently asked me to befriend her on the good ol' social networking site. Fence Board. I was caught off graud by this, as I treated her exteamly poorly, and was the biggest jerk I have ever seen. She was the reason I retired from dating, as I never wanted to treat someone like that ever again. So, by not dating I can't.

With that story told, when you are in a relationship with someone, it is was best to treat them with respect and niceness. Guys open doors for the ladies, and ladies, do whatever you do, I am not goign to try and decipher girl code. Sorry, watching "Community" and writing a blog don't mix. BRING BACK CHIVALRY, it will really help win score points with your lady friends. Open doors, let ladies go first, if a ladie is cold, offer your jacket/coat. Theses are very simple things, that are really ever done.

PS, Phil I still have a shot glass for you from some trip I went on. Or it is just from PGE park.