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Saturday, December 19, 2009


The New Year’s Kiss

This is a tradition, which I do not understand very well. Maybe it is because I have never done this tradition, or maybe because I don’t want to spread germs. HOWEVER, I would think that any tradition where you are going around kissing people in a large group, would lead to the spreading of the mononucleosis (the kissing disease). Now, MONO, as I will call it for short, because I don’t want to write out the long word ever time, takes you out of the game for like a month. I have never had mono, but I know people who have, and I hear it sucks. Not like a hicky, but like a nasty flu that last for a month. So why are earth are people going around helping these germs populate the earth. I mean this is no polio, but still. I thought germs were bad? Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say is where are these parties where people go kissing people willy nilly. There is a gal out there that I would like to ask out on a date, however, I don’t think that the last gentleman of the 21 century would use a stupid germ spreading tradition to kiss a girl. OR would he?

1 comment:

Matt's Corner said...

I thought the tradition was to kiss your "significant other" at midnight.

I'm not familiar with the tradition of going around kissing people "Willy Nilly," although it sounds like fun.

I would also like to know where this is happening, as I too have never shared a New Year's kiss. I kissed a lady on the forehead once, but that was weird, and I don't think you can catch mono from that. Although, I probably already have mono. By now, most people my age either have mono, or (CENSORED).