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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Componet 4

I was reading the blog at, and read his latest blog and made me realize that people are generally stupid when it comes to turning dating into a game. He talked about how the game of running the bases in baseball was used for different things that people do with people of the opposite sex. IE first base holding hands, second base kissing, 3rd making out, and all the way is well the sex. This makes no since to me. As anyone that follows baseball, unless you are the dirty cheating team form New York, you have to have a deep bullpen, and a good defence to win the World Series. SO WHY ON EARTH DO PEOPLE COMPARE THE OFFENSE OF BASEBALL TO dating? OK ok, so you have to score runs to win a baseball game, that is why it is a sport. BUT like my friend said, in baseball you sprint from base to base to be SAFE, why on earth, would you want to sprint in a relationship?

   My dear readers, I have a saying. "Holding hands leads to hugging. Hugging leads to kissing, Kissing leads to making out, and making out leads to sex. Sex leads to babies. Now there are several people that I have seen have babies, that maybe should have not had them. There are people like the octo-mom who have 14 kids living on welfare from a bankrupt state. So here is the deal, IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DONT MAKE BABIES. the end.


Matt Gibson said...

I think a "deep bullpen" can actually be problematic for some people. :-/

"Fine Romance" Phil Roman said...
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"Fine Romance" Phil Roman said...

I don't know Ray. Do you think we should use some other sport as a dating metaphor? We could go with boxing. "Hey bro, how many rounds did you go with that girl last night? Did you knock her out?" Of course then we would be comparing women to a sport that involves beating the (censored) out of someone...