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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Accidental Hand Holding"

Episode 15

I heard a joke that today was astronaut day due to the date, 3/2/10, it made me laugh for about 5 seconds, which is at most the longest accidental hand touching should ever go. I mean anything more than that and there is a purpose behind it. Hand holding brings me to a point I briefly discussed in an early post.

“Holding hands leads to hugging, hugging leads to kissing, kissing leads to making out, and making out leads to babies.” That is a quote that generally describes the order in which the physicality of a relationship go. There are a few people that like to skip a step or 5, but that is between them and themselves.

A gentleman would not proceed past the second stage until around the 5th-10th date, when the couple is dating exclusively, and the hugging is mostly done to say goodnight, at a respectable hour of the night, and on the ladies porch/doorstep. The progression to the 3rd step happens, oh after a couple of months of dating, again the couple is dating exclusively and knows their partner very well. I mean they didn’t just meet and fall madly in love and skip the first three steps. The fourth step I believe is done after a promise of marriage is done or as they call is now and engagement. The last step is always to be done after marriage, as it leads to babies, and those are not something that should be made haphazardly, nor without be able to properly take care of an infant.

If you follow that plan, two things will happen. First, you will be rewarded as a gentleman, with a very loving wife/husband, and second, you won’t have babies that you can’t afford.

Remember this quote as you embark on a dating relationship. “The more you do with your boy/girlfriend means the less you get to experience with your husband/wife.”


"Fine Romance" Phil Roman said...

Ray, this is all fine and dandy, but you've left our friend the homosexual gentleman aloof! What step is doing it in the butt? Should they wait or does it not matter since two men can't get each other pregnant (although Matt and Chris will try this Sunday)?

Matt Gibson said...

You don't think 5 seconds is a creepy amount of time to "accidentally" touch someone's hand? What if you stare directly into their eyes without blinking while doing it?

Miss Foote said...

You NEED to edit and REREAD!!!!!!! Anyway I think you are crazy and hmmmm....somehow I feel like I have read this somewhere before.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say about this is "Wow..."