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Friday, May 14, 2010

Part 21 Timing Belts

For those of you who have cars, most cars have a timing belt, a peice of rubber that goes around the crankshaft to the driveshaft, or something like that. Point is that if the timing of this belt is off even a little bit, the car wont run well, or run at all.

In dating, timing is just as important. If you try something to soon you may never get the oppertunity to do that again. For example, if you ask someone out,. before they are ready, they may be inclined to say no, thus making futher interactions between the two of you akword. Similairly, if you go in to early for a kiss, some result. TIMING is everything.

At work I was reading a passage froma book about oppertunity, it talks about if it passes you by, you can never catch it, and if you reach to early you will grasp the air and miss it completely.

I honestly feel the same about dating. When you find someone you might think about goign on a date with someone, you have to make sure the timing is right. Cause you only get one chance. If you jumo the gun, as I stated earlier, it may become akward when you and the other person are near each other.

So, how do you know when the timing is right? You can't. Deal with it and just jump into the deep end.

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