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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Book 2 Chapter 1 Return of the Gentlemen

The other day I was watching Top Gun, if you haven't seen this movie, I recommend it. Anyways, there is a scene in the movie where Maverick, while flying a jet, clutches the dog-tags of his dead friend and co-pilot and says, "Speak to me Goose, Speck to me." After he does this he engages in a dog fight and saves the day. I was thinking about that scene today and came to the conclusion, that I am Maverick, I have disengaged from the dog fight of dating and it is time that I re-engage. Much like Maverick did in the movie, minus the 22 billion dollar jets and the aircraft carrier, I am going to find a lady, not  just a women, but a lady, whom can handle the attention, gentleness, and the thoughtfulness of me, the last remaining gentleman, the game is a foote.

As of today, I Ray Foote, the last remaining gentleman am back in the game.

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