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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Part... I lost count

I was at a hockey game the other day and I noticed that the team that was winning seemed to have better communication on the ice with each other then the other team. What ended up happening was a 5-1 score with the 1 goal from the losing team being unassisted, meaning no one helped him score the goal. The similarities between the hockey game I was watching and the relationship I have been in and seen around me was abundantly clear.

When it comes to relationships it is very important, in my opinion that you talk about where the relationship is headed and where you would like to relationship to end. I mean that some people are only interested in sex, they meet people to have sex and expect nothing more than that. Some people are trying to meet Mr. or Mrs. right, they will be searching a while.Other are looking for the person that they will marry and spend the rest of their lives with.

The point is this, if you and the person you are "dating/seeing/wooing/" or any other like term, are not on the same page as to where the relationship will go it will fail, just like the Seattle Thunderbirds in the hockey game I was watching. Hopefully no one will get hurt, but mostly likely someone will. The best way to keep this from happening is to talk to each other about what you are expecting from a relationship and keep the lines of communication open.