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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Finally the Foote has come back...

 It has been a long decade since my last entry into the blog. A lot of happened in that decade, with one exception. I am still retired from dating. Most of my friends are now married, and have kids. I have finally found my calling and career. (It took far too long for that). And the 20 year high school reunion happened. I moved to a new city, well I visited it often before I moved, but that is where we landed today. 

As mentioned before, I have no desire to meet a woman at a bar, when she is wasted and not in her normal state of mind. That seem cheap, and someone who drinks that often, is not necessarily the type of woman that I want to be around. I tried the internet dating, Bumble, eharmony, those types of places, but the type of woman that I am interested in, are not the type that are being matched to me, or starting off the conversation(Bumble). 

The biggest issue I am hitting is that I do not have a social circle that allows me to meet people. I work, I go home, and I will go do things with the extended family that lives in the city I do. None of them seem to work with women that are single, or are friends with people who know single women. The women that I work with, are, to the best of my knowledge all married, or in serious relationships. There are maybe two that are not. However, I do not want to toe the line of harassment at work, and thing that seeing if there is an interest to go get coffee is not worth the risk to my job. 

In the two decades that I have been retired from dating, I have finally found out why I treated my last girlfriend like complete garbage. Thus I can unretire from dating, as that what caused the retirement in 2002. So, therefore, for a Ray of hope and a foote in the right direction, I head back out into the Journey of the dating game. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Book 2 Chapter 2- Hootenanny

It has come to my recent attention that most of the people I used to hang out with are now married and therefore as such, spend time with their wives/families. With the exception of one friend, who broke off an engagement due to "issues". What I mean to say is that being 30 and not married is tough. Most of the issues I have with dating are that I refused to find a girl at a bar, which is what above mentioned single friend does. (by the way, the above mentioned single friend being long and hard to type will now be known as Phillipe.) Phillipe has tried to "introduce" me or "find" me a lady, however the few times that I have gone to places with him, there see, to be no single ladies. I think that Phillipe might have some issues of his own he needs to work out

Another issue I have is that with the nicer weather outside, people tend to start wearing fewer amounts of clothing. They also get offended when they get whistled at or other such comments are made in their general direction. You cannot have it both ways. Wear more cloths or get comments that go along with such attire.

PS if you are under 18, a bikini top is no something that you should wear without a shirt over top of it. All it does it make the pervs go wild.

PPS Phillipe I think you should go back with your hooters plan and date an entire restaurant at once. I need more writing material.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Book 2 Chapter 1 Return of the Gentlemen

The other day I was watching Top Gun, if you haven't seen this movie, I recommend it. Anyways, there is a scene in the movie where Maverick, while flying a jet, clutches the dog-tags of his dead friend and co-pilot and says, "Speak to me Goose, Speck to me." After he does this he engages in a dog fight and saves the day. I was thinking about that scene today and came to the conclusion, that I am Maverick, I have disengaged from the dog fight of dating and it is time that I re-engage. Much like Maverick did in the movie, minus the 22 billion dollar jets and the aircraft carrier, I am going to find a lady, not  just a women, but a lady, whom can handle the attention, gentleness, and the thoughtfulness of me, the last remaining gentleman, the game is a foote.

As of today, I Ray Foote, the last remaining gentleman am back in the game.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Part... I lost count

I was at a hockey game the other day and I noticed that the team that was winning seemed to have better communication on the ice with each other then the other team. What ended up happening was a 5-1 score with the 1 goal from the losing team being unassisted, meaning no one helped him score the goal. The similarities between the hockey game I was watching and the relationship I have been in and seen around me was abundantly clear.

When it comes to relationships it is very important, in my opinion that you talk about where the relationship is headed and where you would like to relationship to end. I mean that some people are only interested in sex, they meet people to have sex and expect nothing more than that. Some people are trying to meet Mr. or Mrs. right, they will be searching a while.Other are looking for the person that they will marry and spend the rest of their lives with.

The point is this, if you and the person you are "dating/seeing/wooing/" or any other like term, are not on the same page as to where the relationship will go it will fail, just like the Seattle Thunderbirds in the hockey game I was watching. Hopefully no one will get hurt, but mostly likely someone will. The best way to keep this from happening is to talk to each other about what you are expecting from a relationship and keep the lines of communication open.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Part 24, Eu De Toilet

While taping an episode of my good friends Podcast, which can be heard on, "In Bed with Matt and Phil." I was waiting in the good room between taping and went to use the restroom. When I got there I was horrified by what I saw. I mean I thought that you always did a complementary flush after you were done doing your business to make sure that everything went down. BUT no, sitting in the toilet bowl was a bunch of used toilet paper.

This led me to think about the fact that guys should ALWAYS put the toilet seat down after using it. I mean it is what the gentleman would do for the ladies. Secondly, you never know if you are going to wake up and need to go. 

Back to the ladies part, the nice thing to do for the ladies, since they need to sit down when they use the toilet. Unless you want to get set to the couch at 3am, put the seat back down.

Lastly, this incident reminded me that the gentlemen will also, ALWAYS put a fresh roll of toilet paper on the roll when they use the end of it. Tissues are for the nose, not the bum.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Part 007 * 3 + 2

   When I was in high school some friends and I came up with a code, so that when each other houses, we could talk about sex and not let the parents know what was going on. Our good friend Mr. T really liked to talk about sex. Anyways, there is a point. When you get to the age of like 18, it is time to stop talking and using codes to talk about girls and other things. You can still joke about them, but you really can't use them. The other day I was at work, and I started remembering all the stupid things that my friends and I did. Mostly, Mr. T and I. 
   Mr. T, has a pod cast called "In bed with Matt and Phil", I don't listen to this podcast every week, I have been a guest twice. You should not listen if you don't like profanity. I would give this podcast an "R" rating for the topics of conversations. 
   Back to codes, the code system we used in High school was all about the library, everything about books meant something else. From "Going to the library", reading a short story, reading a book, reading a book with a dust jacket. This was a great code, as it was unbreakable, since it was just that good. 
   Seriously, codes are great when you are like 14, but when you are a senior in high school they are lame. Don't be lame and don't use codes. Be blunt and straight to the point.
   If you want to pass secret notes back and forth to a girl or boy to have a little fun, DON'T do this as a flirting method. ALSO the whole note that states  "Do you like me circle yes or no" Not a good idea after 8th grade.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Post 22 the real 22

I enjoy watching a show that is on Comedy Central, that often makes fun of the same things that I make fun of. Such as peeing in swimming pools at swim parks, and having to vote between two really bad choices. One of the episode, they school has a assembly about harassment. Specifically it involved Sexual Harassment Panda.

When you ask someone to do something and they say no, it is okay to ask again, but if you continually ask the same person to do things together and they continually say no. You are legally required to stop. Otherwise the Panda will have to come talk to you after you lose your job and get fired.

Two things to take away from this, first, don't be a dork and if there is a girl you like, and you ask her out a bunch and she is always busy or doing other things, take a hint. Secondly, be nice.